2013 Smartphone Predictions – HTC Droid DNA 4G Predicts the Future

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htcdroiddnaHTC Droid DNA: 2011 saw the across-the-board adoption of dual core processors in high end smartphones. Last year was predicted to be the year of the tablet at CES 2012, and while tablets were increasingly popular, smartphones were still far and away the most popular mobile computer purchase. The new year is here, so we have to make our 2013 smartphone predictions before January is in the record books. I have always been the kind of person that plays the odds and doesn’t like much risk, and the following smartphone predictions for this year are accordingly pretty safe bets.

The HTC Droid DNA is available for a reduced sale price now starting at $49.99.

We saw many phones in 2012 jump from dual core CPUs to quad cores, with processors like the one found on the HTC Droid DNA 4G even delivering a power saving 5th core. The “4+1” CPU on the full-featured Droid DNA 4G let’s that 5th core handle low draw applications, freeing up the main quad cores to handle your requests and processes. This makes for a much speedier handset, and we believe that you can look for central processors and graphics processors in smartphones in 2013 to grow in size and capacity.

Obviously, that was not an “out on the limb” prediction. If we have learned anything from the smartphones of the past, it is that the good get better, and numbers always grow. That was true in 2012 in an extreme sense with pixel density and resolution. Pixel density (ppi) is expressed as a number which measures the amount of color pixels located over every inch of display space. Display resolution is a representation of a pixel count across the width and height of the smartphone display. Once again, the HTC Droid DNA 4G displays what we can look for in 2013 smartphones.

Any smartphone pixel density over 300 is outstanding, so phones like the Galaxy S III (306 ppi) and Apple iPhone 5 (326 ppi) have excellent resolution. Continuing a trend which we are likely to see grow in 2013, the HTC Droid DNA 4G that debuted at the end of last year offers an incredible 441 ppi on its 5.0 inch screen. That is more than a 30% improvement over the best-selling GS III and iPhone 5 handsets, which leads us to our next prediction for 2013 smartphones.

The Droid DNA 4G delivers a display resolution of 1,080 x 1,920 pixels. The more pixels, the better the resolution. Compared to the generous resolutions of 720 x 1,280 for the GS III and 640 x 1,136 pixels for the iPhone 5, the Droid DNA 4G shows a developing trend towards incredibly realistic smartphone displays. And with a screen size of 5.0 inches as opposed to the 4.8 inches on the Galaxy S III, and comparatively diminutive 4.0 inches for the iPhone 5, the Droid DNA 4G once again points to larger smartphone display sizes this year. More powerful processors, and larger and higher resolution displays certainly do not stretch the envelope of possibilities when making predictions for smartphones in 2013. And the safe bet is we will see plenty of all those three popular features in the smartphones which debut this year.

You can purchase the Doid DNA at a discounted price tag now starting at $49.99.

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