Google’s Android OS is growing up fast adding new features

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What does Apple’s iOS have to worry about?  How about the fact that Android has been activated over 400,000 daily this year?  That is up from 300,000 daily activations from last year.  Now, with over 100 million activated Android devices, Google’s Android is set to take the top spot from Apple.  It is just a matter of how long it will take.  Right now, there isn’t any real confirmed data to support reports of Apple’s iOS activating around 300,000 devices per day.

Google’s Android Marketplace is also growing each day in terms of apps available, free and paid.  Apple claims to have about 350,000 applications overall and about 10 billion downloads.  This is a little bit ahead of Android, which claims to have about 200,000 applications and around 4.5 billion downloads.  Given the fact that Android is really only two years old, those numbers are pretty impressive.  Google has seen some major growth with the Android product and they are committed to keeping up with that growth.

Google has been working closely with partners to make sure your device gets upgrades at least for the first 18 months from the release date.  With such great growth, this is a very good thing for a consumer, but will be very hard to Google to keep up with.  Google has also made sure to thank the right people for the growth of the Android Marketplace.  The developers are there to make applications for all of us to use and to make our lives more fun, or less stressful.

Android product management director, Hugh Barra, says, “The Android ecosystem has been moving really fast over the last two and a half years and rapid iteration on new and highly-requested features has been a driving force behind Android’s success…”  Let’s not forget that Android just recently added streaming music and movie rentals as features.  Movies will be available to stream online, or can be downloaded for offline use.  The Google Music Beta is another feature added this week and it allows users to upload their music files to a remote server, than stream it on any Android device.  This will work similar to that of the Amazon Cloud storage system.  You will only get into Google Music Beta by invitation, you can find the request form online.

Eventually Google’s Android is going to be in every electronic device.  Google has announced a developer kit that will help developers add Android to whatever they would like to see it in.

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