Research in Motion (RIM) has is seeing difficult times, in lieu of the rising dominance of Apple and Google as the two primary smartphone makers in the market today, and is betting everything on their newest upcoming release, the Blackberry 10 OS. Like an early Christmas gift, RIM’s share price jumped nearly 12% in Toronto earlier this Thursday, and it seems to be a promising start for RIM’s plans for remaining relevant in the smartphone industry
The upcoming launch of the BlackBerry 10 has been met with a great deal of publicity, due to RIM’s improved promotion of the new device, and the general view has been positive among customers and analysts alike. Over the past seven trading sessions, RIM has seen a stock bump of almost 37% and is expected to launch the new device by the end of January, a move lauded by some analysts who believe this could rake in earlier earnings for the device than expected. Even analyst firm Jefferies & Co has noted a more positive response than expected for BlackBerry 10 after conducting a survey amongst telecom operators.
Thorsten Heins, Chief Executive of RIM, has stated that the company sent these new devices to more than 50 carriers for certification testing and is highly optimistic regarding the success of BlackBerry 10, having earlier stated that the company’s morale is at an all-time high. RIM executives have stepped forward for interviews demonstrating the features of the new OS, indicative of the excitement that the new device has stirred up.
However, some analysts have cautioned that the raised stakes with Blackberry 10 are just as likely to spell greater doom if it is not well received for the company. RIM’s steadily plummeting market share could cause the company irreparable damage if Blackberry 10 fails to meet the raised expectations of its customer base and investors alike. Still, many analysts prefer to stay optimistic about BlackBerry 10 turning RIM’s fortune around.
RIM has been hit by setback after setback in the last year or so. One of these was a very daunting disparagement by the National Transportation Safety Board, a US government agency, claiming that Blackberries were unreliable communication devices that had a tendency to fail at inconvenient and unacceptably inopportune times. The agency’s plans of switching from RIM’s BlackBerry devices to Apple’s iPhone 5 smartphones may be slightly discouraging but RIM has insisted that its global customer base of government agencies has consistently trusted in the reliability of Blackberry devices for decades and continue to do so today.
November 25, 2012 at 2:17 pm
re: greater doom if it is not well received for the company.
It’s already been universally acclaimed from tradionally harsh RIM critics as being superior to iOS and Android. Anyone lucky enough to get their hands on one loves it, only those who have not actually used a BB10 phone still have doubt, hence the stock run up by those who actually value opinions from people who have actually used a BB10 phone.
November 25, 2012 at 6:04 pm
look, the fact of the matter is that BB10 will change the game entirely, and everyone see’s it coming and ios and android users are mad and confused as of are they gonna get a an update or another release to do just as BB10, everyone already knows that if this was a new galaxy or iphone 6 t hey would be on there knees praising it, REMEMBER ^COMPETITION + INNOVATION=CONSUMERS WIN<FORGET THE FACT THAT ITS A BLACKBERRY, PAY ATTENTION TO THE INNOVATION, JUST SO HAPPENED TO BE THE BEST BB EVER- THE FIRE RISES ,,BB10