Comments on: Samsung Galaxy S4 Holiday Price Check Mobile Bloom News Wed, 08 Jan 2014 12:01:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: JasonReece10 JasonReece10 Thu, 05 Dec 2013 19:20:01 +0000 One other new smartwatch is the SmartQ Z-Watch ($149) to launch this week and offers a full color touch screen display with one of the highest resolutions on a watch display, along with offering a powerful 1Ghz processor, twice the battery power of most other models on the market; plus features both Bluetooth & WiFi connection.

The SmartQ Z-Watch It also offers an MP3 Player & Voice Recorder, a walking/ jogging pedometer, and works with Android to handle phone calls and sync and display messages, contacts, and schedule. A software update is expected shortly to work with Apple iOS devices as well, and a SmartQ Z-Watch App store is expected to launch in December.

SmartQ other innovations include the world’s first tablet with a built-in DLP projector – winning a prestigious 2013 CTIA E-Tech Award and now the Smart Q Z-watch is gaining notice for its features and design and compares to the new Samsung Galaxy smartwatch at nearly half the price.
